Slimemania is a 2D platformer set in the world of Minecraft. You play as a slime on his quest to find his brother. The game features 7 items to unlock while playing through the 19 levels. You´ll find some coins on your adventure with wich you can buy upgrades or items. There are different enemies in the game, the normal ones can be defeated by jumping on their head and for the darker slimes you´ll need bombs or tripmines.

A/D: Move left / right
W: Jump
S: Move down
Q/Mouse 3: Open item menu
1/2/scroll: Switch between bombs or mines in the item menu
Strg: Place an item (bomb or mine)
R: Open ingange shop
E: Open item information
F: Use the invincibility item (has to be unlocked first)
G: Go to last save position, costs 5 coins
F2: Debug informations
F9: Screenshot
System Requirements
Version 1.5.2
- Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 or 10
- 512 MB RAM
- 128 MB Video RAM
- 25 MB free disk space
Minecraft is copyright Mojang AB and is not affiliated with this site.
Sounds from
Sprites by Crysteland and Mojang.